My Latest Posts

Last updated: February 23, 2024

How to fully localize your site by implementing Next.js localized routes

In this tutorial, I will explain how I managed to solve the riddle of Next localised routes using Strapi as the CMS and using the Strapi GraphQL API.

How to fully localize your site by implementing Next.js localized routes

Last updated: January 24, 2024

Using strapi custom routes to add newsletter sign ups to Sendinblue

In this article I explain how I created custom Strapi routes and controllers to interact with Next.js frontend and sendinblue CRM

Using strapi custom routes to add newsletter sign ups to Sendinblue

Last updated: January 24, 2024

Reducing CSS bundle size when using Next.js templates

How to configure PurgeCS library to reduce the bundle size of Next.js applications when using a template theme.

Reducing CSS bundle size when using Next.js templates